April 4, 2008

Well today was very interesting to say the least.

I wanted Josie to have the experience of multiple riders. We had become a tad stagnant in our training program, so I decided that Josie needed a good ole fashioned trailer ride to another trainer's barn. Pete Thomas (an his lovely wife, Morgan) is a reining trainer that is new to our area and we love having him!

Since I am not a reining trainer, I figured it would be good for her (and to be honest, me) to experience another person's abilities. The news is - JOSIE WAS A STINKER!!!! She acted like I have never rode her, let alone trained her..... He tried to put the saddle on her and she spooked at the pad and saddle, a person would swear that she never even saw a saddle in her life! Then he went to lung her and she tried to buck the saddle off for the longest 2 minutes of my life, she humped up, kicked out, pulled all the tricks out of her war bag and I was actually embarrassed a tad. Boys and girls I can tell you this...... having another person that knows what they are doing ride this mustang was the best thing I ever invested in. Cha Ching! He's worth it!

I plan to haul her to his barn all next week for more lessons. She needs to know that a variety of people can ride her and not just me. By the time Pete was done, he had Josie eating from the palm of his hand. She was doing somewhat of a nice turn around and loping her circles like she was suppose to. It was a lot of fun for everyone. I think? This is the horse business, so I am still in great spirits regarding my Wild Mustang.


Tracey said...

Yup, it was a pretty good thing to haul her over there!

Kathy M said...

I'm glad she was able to get over it. I like to get mine out to new places and meeting new people. It really pays off.

She looks GREAT!

Jessie said...

Mares, I tell ya...

Just kidding, I love my girls!! They sure are different from geldings though... at least in my opinion.

She is looking AWESOME! Certainly doesn't look like a mustang... more like some kind of fancy show horse.

Keep it up and she'll learn you're not the only human who demands her respect :-)

Only a few more weeks!! See you soon!

Dena Plendl said...

It is amazing what a person can do in 100 days, then again 100 days is not much time to put together a well rounded horse. We spend the first two months on the ground work and riding principles. Now it is time to work on other places and new faces...... I am sure that her next trip over there will be much better! Can't wait to meet up with everyone in Madison and be able to put some names with faces. Dena

Dena Plendl said...
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Katee said...

Wow. Your mare is beautiful! I can't wait to meet you in Madison.