February 17, 2008

Fellow trainer, Jessica Willyerd, from Wisconsin always amazes me! Her blog is interesting, filled with a lot of facts and whenever I can't find something, I go to her site and "viola" there it is. She has posted that the BLM has a photo gallery online of all the mustangs that are in the Midwest Mustang Challenge. They have also included the name of each trainer. Interesting. Josie is in photo gallery #4.

BLM Mustang Challenge Photo Gallery


Jessie said...

Dena! I am so glad you left a comment on my blog, I had no idea you had one of your own! I know you talked about putting one up in an email, but I could never find it. Well I am so glad I did!

You have combined my name with another trainers :-) Rebecca Bishop also has a great blog though! Thank you for the kind comments!

Dena Plendl said...

Hi Jessie - I am so sorry about combining your name.... I actually woke up last night around 2:00 am thinking that I had made that mistake. I have corrected it, but geeeezz you are on the computer faster than I could get there. Ha Ha.

Jessie said...

It's no problem at all! Rebecca and I have similar blogs with all the links to other trainers, so I am sure it has happened before!!